FortiAnalyzer can receive logs and Windows host events directly from endpoints connected to EMS, and you can use FortiAnalyzer to analyze the logs and run reports.
Article Id 197569
This article describes time-related fields in FortiAnalyzer.

The FortiAnalyzer (FAZ) has four time-related log fields: date, time, dtime and itime.

itime is generated by FAZ when it receives a log (with SQL enabled) i.e. FAZ local time.
dtime is calculated by FAZ in UTC  using 'data' and 'time' fields received from the FortiGate.

SQL:             Only dtime and itime are inserted into sql tables.
GUI:             GUI 'Date/time' column is calculated based on itime
Raw Logs:    FAZ Raw logs include all four fields.

FAZ logs:
itime=2014-12-29 15:35:09 vd=root rcvdbyte=4831 srccountry=Reserved app=HTTP transip= logver=52 date=2014-12-29 dstip= duration=23 sentbyte=578 transport=50925 group=SSO_Guest_Users service=HTTP proto=6 user=guest devid=FGVM010000016443 poluuid=d2f8f562-8fa2-51e4-e6a8-32600e0bd677 dstport=80 type=traffic devname=FGTVM52 dtime=2014-12-29 15:35:07 trandisp=snat sessionid=91254 itime_t=1419896109 policyid=5 srcintf=port2 srcip= offset_idx=139690533087533 sentpkt=6 level=notice appcat=Not.Scanned srcport=50925 logid=13 subtype=forward rcvdpkt=7 dstcountry=Bulgaria time=15:35:07 action=close dstintf=port1

In SQL reporting, these fields have a built-in function to convert the long integer into human readable time format:
  -  from_itime(itime)
  -  from_dtime(dtime)
