FortiDirector uses conditions to determine if a redirector Rule is a match for a given request.
Article Id 190846

Health-checking is a notion that ties to Network Resources: for each Network Resource, a health-checking configuration can be applied. Once configured, our global health-checking platform will poll your Network Resource at regular intervals, and will maintain a persistent state of its reachability and/or health. Based on its health status, a Network Resource will conditionally be used in Rule Sets. Basically, the health status of such a resource will condition the choice between a Primary Action or a Failover Action.

The mechanisms below use the Health Status of a Network Resource:

  • If a Primary Action uses multiple Network Resources to redirect to, a health DOWN notice will remove the concerned Network Resource from the delivery pool.
  • If a Primary Action uses multiple Network Resources to redirect to, a health DOWN on all of them will trigger the Failover Action instead of the Primary Action.
