FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 196537


Summary of Topic

This article will describe how to change the IP address of your Virtual Appliance



Run a script to change IP as below

      1. Please log into AO using a local console, do not do this through ssh as your connection will fail after the IP changes

      2. cd /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox

      3. ./ 4

         Enter new IP when prompt "Input hostip"

Please Check the following as well as make the proper changes as it will be needed to update:

  1. Verify Hostname + IP are correctly changed
    1. Verify Hostname has Changed: “hostname” at linux prompt should return <New Hostname>.
    2. Check /etc/hosts, There should be an entry as:   <New-IP> <New Hostname>.
    3. Check /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 has same values as those entered in step 1c.
  2. Verify License Now Matches:
    1. phLicenseTool --verify
  3. vi /opt/phoenix/config/phoenix_config.txt
    1. Search and Replace <Old-IP> with <New-IP>
  4. Change values in CMDB
    1. su postgres
    2. psql -U phoenix -d phoenixdb
    3.  select * from ph_sys_conf where property=’svn_url’;
    4. Note svn_url row likely has a value of previous IP Address. Change this by:
    5. update ph_sys_conf set value=’http://<New-IP>/repos/cmdb’ where property=’svn_url’;
    6. select * from ph_sys_server where id='1';
    7. Note ip_addr column likely has value of <Old-IP>. Change this by:
    8. update ph_sys_server set ip_addr=’<New-IP>’ where id=’1’;
    9. \q

NOTE:  if you have workers, the rows in ph_sys_server entries in ph_sys_server also have to be changed to the correct IPs

5. Reboot

    1. Contact AO Support to reset your license.

6. Re-Register your AO-VA again after the license is reset
7. SSH into the AO-VA after the registration process
8. phstatus should show all process as up.
9. Log into GUI, check admin->Cloud Health. This should match values given by phstatus. Should also display the new hostname and new host ip.


If you need to move the appliance into a completely different network segment, please follow the additional steps.

  1. Configure Network From VM Console
    1. Log Into ESX Host. Bring up Console on the Accelops VA.
    2. Select Configure Network.
    3.  Enter the correct Host IP, Network Mask, Gateway, and DNS Servers.
    4. Configure Proxy If Needed.
    5. Enter the Correct Host Name.
    6. When Prompted for “Mount Point”, DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING, use Control-C to Escape.



Any Version below 2.1.0, Please contact Support in order to assist.


Version Application

Version 2.1.0+

