FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 189739


This article describes how to troubleshoot FortiSIEM while attempting to to register a new VA. This article contains related troubleshooting information to the following error message 'The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems'


After installing a new VA server and then trying to register using web page "https://<FortiSIEM IP Address>/phoenix/register.jsf" (version 3.x) or "https://<FortiSIEM IP Address>/phoenix/licenseUpload.html" (version 4.x & 5.x) the user get's the following error: "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later." along with "Apache/2.2.3 (CentOS) Server at <FortiSIEM IP Address> Port 443."

This issue happens mostly when there is already an NFS mount point and FortiSIEM detects that there's already an eventdb. If the mount point already has an eventdb, then FortiSIEM will determine that the VA is a worker and deploy it as such. If the mount point does not have an eventdb, then FortiSIEM will determine that the VA is a super and deploy it as such.


FortiSIEM log will have messages like the following:

Nov 28 10:13:03 usea-aosuper phMonitorWorker[3637]: [PH_LICENSE_INFO_INVALIDATED]:[eventSeverity]=PHL_ERROR,[procName]=phMonitorWorker,[fileName]=phLicenseWatcher.cpp,[lineNumber]=55,[phLogDetail]=Invalid license

Nov 28 10:13:03 usea-aosuper phMonitorWorker[3637]: [PH_GENERIC_INFO]:[eventSeverity]=PHL_INFO,[procName]=phMonitorWorker,[fileName]=phHttpEventPuller.cpp,[lineNumber]=35,[phLogDetail]=Register this host!

Nov 28 10:13:06 usea-aosuper phMonitorWorker[3637]: [PH_GENERIC_ERROR]:[eventSeverity]=PHL_ERROR,[procName]=phMonitorWorker,[fileName]=phHttpClient.cpp,[lineNumber]=512,[phLogDetail]=Http Response code 503

Run the command: 


The following should appear. Note that appsvr and postgres are not listed at all

phParser                 DOWN

phQueryWorker            DOWN

phRuleWorker             DOWN

phDataManager            DOWN

phReportWorker           DOWN

phIpIdentityWorker       DOWN

phPerfMonitor            DOWN

phAgentManager           DOWN

phCheckpoint             DOWN

phMonitor                1-00:47:03     0              780m           534m

Apache                   1-00:46:31     0              236m           9960




This will provide an similar output to the one below.This will happen even if a license has not been pulled yet.

[root@usea-aosuper ~]# phLIcenseTool --show

Report License: workers=2; citems=0; eps=5000;storage=25000; starttime=0; endtime=0; mode=1; SP=0; or anizationNum=0; country=; customerId=0; customerName=; collectors=0; profile=0

Segmentation fault

[root@usea-aosuper ~]# phLIcenseTool --verify

Segmentation fault

This is due to a known, but rarely encountered, bug in 3.6.3.

To fix this, go to the following directory: 

#cd /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox

Now run this command: 


After this finishes and the system is rebooted, go to the registration web page, "https://<FortiSIEM_IP_Address>/phoenix/register.jsf" or https://<FortiSIEM_IP_Address>/phoenix/licenseUpload.html.

If not then reinstall the VM image and try again.



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