FortiSIEM provides Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA)
Article Id 195857


Upgrade instruction for offline AO-VA

There are AO customers whose AO-VA does not have internet access for security requirement and hence cannot upgrade the system by running phUpgradeImage command which requires yum validation to our image server. This documentation contains the instructions to upgrade a AO-VA which does not have internet connections.

There are three tasks to complete for such an upgrade:

  1. Saving the upgrade package to the correct directories in the AO-VA.
  2. Creating a new upgrade script
  3. Upgrading the system


1.    Download the upgrade package

Since offline VAs  are not able to download the upgrade packages directly from AccelOps image server, customers need to download the upgrade package and copy the package over to the AO-VA.

  1. Download the upgrade packages from:
  2. ssh into the VA as root
  3. # mkdir -p /upgrade/va/latest
  4. # chmod –R 755 /upgrade/va/latest
  5. scp the download upgrade packages to the /upgrade/va/latest directory.
  6. chown –R root.root /upgrade
  7. chmod –R 755 /upgrade


2.    Simulate the download process

The following script simulates an online download of the upgrade files. It places all of the files into their proper locations and prepares the system for upgrade.

  1. Download the attached script
  2. upload it to AO into the following directory: /pbin/phdownloadimage.local

[This script is now attached to this article below]

  1. #chmod 777 /pbin/phdownloadimage.local
  2. #chown root.root /pbin/phdownloadimage.local
  3. Run the script #./phdownloadimage.local file:///upgrade/va/latest
  4. You should get the following result:

The process to download the upgrade image download may take some time and use a considerable amount of bandwidth. Would you like to start the download now? (yes/no) :


continue to download .

Download images for  accelops-va

Download url:  file:///upgrade/va/latest

Please wait...

./usr/bin/yumdownloader -c /etc/yum.repos.d/accelops-va.repo --destdir=/var/cache/yum/accelops-va/packages/

accelops-va               100% |=========================|  951 B    00:00

primary.xml.gz            100% |=========================| 3.4 kB    00:00

accelops-v: ################################################## 1/1


3.    The upgrade instruction

Run the following command to upgrade Accelops.

  1. ./phupgradeimage


4. Upgrading to the latest version before 3.6.2

There are a few additional steps that you will need to complete before the upgrade to the latest , if you are from a version before 3.6.2
There is a new upgradescript that you will need to download/scp. It is found at:

  1. Go to:
    1. There is an attached copy of the upgrade script below
  2. Copy the phupgradeimage.gz to the /tmp directory.
  3. Using putty, cd to /tmp and run # gzip –d phupgradeimage
  4. Use the command # md5sum phupgradeimage and verify that the hash of the file is 64e06712ec89e2ab3ac6f862c3924858
  5. Change directory to /opt/phoenix/deployment/jumpbox
  6. cp /tmp/phupgradeimage .
  7. # ls -ltr phupgradeimage (to verify that permission is -rwxrwxr-x 1 admin admin)
  8. If the owner is something other than admin, then chown admin.admin <file>
  9. If the permission is not - rwxrwxr-x, then chmod 755 <file)
  10. Proceed with the upgrade to the latest version.


5.    Troubleshooting

  • If the upgrade fails, or ends abruptly re-create the phdownloadimage.local file. When creating this file, it is very easy for the characters in the file to become corrupt or changed (especially when transferring the file via clipboard from Windows to Unix). Delete the phdownloadimage.local file and create it again.
  • If the upgrade is unsuccessful and you receive an error like “Super failed to upgrade Accelops's image. Contact Accelops for support.”
  • Edit the file /etc/yum.repos.d/accelops-va.repo.
    • The contents should look like the following. Change the lines


to look like:


  • If you have a failure to upgrade, Please double check the directory structure and make sure the files are listed as follows:

File Structure and permissions example: /upgrade/va/latest

[root@james-sp_only latest]# ls -l

total 498060

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 509330298 Apr 11 13:59 accelops-va-

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    159340 Apr 11 13:50 nscd-2.5-18.el5_1.1.x86_64.rpm

drwxr-xr-x 2 root root      4096 Apr 17 07:51 repodata

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root      1682 Apr 11 13:50 RPM-GPG-KEY

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root       172 Apr 11 13:50 VA-

[root@james-sp_only latest]# cd repodata

[root@james-sp_only repodata]# ls -l

total 88

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34663 Apr 11 13:49 filelists.xml.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35253 Apr 11 13:49 other.xml.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  8117 Apr 11 13:49 primary.xml.gz

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   192 Apr 11 13:49 repodata.md5

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   951 Apr 11 13:49 repomd.xml

Please make sure you have the correct files in these directories as well as the correct extensions (note, if you download RPM-GPG-KEY into a windows box, it will append a .txt and change the format)

  • To correct this type the following in the same directory as the file you are modifying:
  • dos2unix RPM-GPG-KEY


NOTE: The process to Upgrade the collector offline is different - Here are the steps to Install the collector offline.

Here is the manual "offline" Collector upgrade process.  This is normally used when a Collector is not allowed to access the Internet, so it can't reach our image server.


Contact AccelOps Technical Support if you have questions about the process below.  This example, was written for upgrading to version 3.6.2, later versions will use the appropriate file name that contains the version (accelops-collector-x.x.x.xxxx.rpm).


A.  Download the Collector upgrade image to your laptop.  (use the same credentials as your AO license credentials)


B.  Place the image file to the following directory with scp, and make sure that the file ownership and modify the rights to the file to match what you see below:

[root@Col351-133 packages]# pwd

/var/cache/yum/accelops-collector/packages   (note: this directory may not be there yet for Collectors that have not been upgraded since installation, so you may need to create this directory)

[root@Col351-133 packages]# ls -la

total 321688

drwxr-xr-x 2 root admin      4096 Aug  7 14:34 .

drwxr-xr-x 3 root admin      4096 Aug  7 14:34 ..

-rw-rw-r-- 1 root admin 329071536 Jul 25 15:23 accelops-collector-


C. After the upgrade image file has been downloaded and moved to the correct directory, with the proper permissions and ownership,  do the following:

1.            Query the installed AccelOps package name by running “rpm –qa | grep accelops”

2.            Remove the installed AccelOps package from the system by running “rpm –e <accelops rpm package name from step 1>”

3.            Install the new AccelOps package by running “rpm –i <new accelops rpm package name from download>”

4.            Reboot.


