FortiSOAR Knowledge Base
FortiSOAR: Security Orchestration and Response software provides innovative case management, automation, and orchestration. It pulls together all of an organization's tools, helps unify operations, and reduce alert fatigue, context switching, and the mean time to respond to incidents.
Article Id 193097

>>For changing the Timezone: By Taking the current UTC time >> {{arrow.utcnow().to('Asia/Dubai').format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss')}} This will change the timezone to Asia/Dubai and format it. Other timezones can be like "Africa/Kampala", "Europe/London", "America/New_York" etc

>>For adding time in the current time like calculating SLA:  {{arrow.utcnow().replace(minutes=+(<TotalMinutes>)).timestamp}}. User can replace minutes,hours, weeks,days etc 
>>For subtracting time from the current time:  {{arrow.utcnow().replace(minutes=-(<TotalMinute>)).timestamp}}. User can replace minutes,hours, weeks,days etc 

Refer link for more details of the python Library
