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HTTPS loadbalancer error



We run 2 FG-500D in a A-P cluster no we want to use the load balance functionality we set it up linke this:


-> Virtual Load balancer IP: 

-> Protocol HTTPS, port 443

-> Installed a 2048rsa certificated and selected that


Real servers: IP and destination port: 443


When we open a browser and browse to we receive the SSL certificate but always receive an error 'connection re-negitiated' and no browser content. When we browse directly to the real servers the web pages displays correctly..

When I change the ports from 443 to 80 everything is working as expected and webpages are shown so it seems it has something to do with the combination of loadbalancing/SSL certificate.


As a test I replaced the certificate on my SSL vpn web page with the one for the loadbalancer to make sure the SSL is ok and I can confirm that the certificate is working fine on the ssl vpn page.


Does anyone have any idea? I already opened a case at support and it seems we've hit a bug on it.. They said we need to wait for 5.2.3 but they already said this to us on the end of januari.. (it should be available at the end of januari but still nog 5.2.3 ...) 

We've an important project that depends on this functionallity so maybe someone has a work-around/bug fix for this? 


Any ideas/tips are appreciated !


With regards


You may try use FGT default certicate " Fortinet_Factory" or " Fortinet_Firmware.

If it is working, you may sign a wrong type certificate , for Windows CA server, make sure you choose correct template type.

If it is failing again, check your setting. "set ssl-mode half"  or "set ssl-mode full" . If it is "half " mode, the port of realservers is "80", extport is 443. Thanks.


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