FortiDDoS protects from both known and zero day attacks with very low latency. It’s easy to deploy and manage, and includes comprehensive reporting and analysis tools.
Article Id 307401
Description This article describes how to connect FortiDDoS to FortiManager and troubleshoot connectivity issues.
Scope FortiManager v7.2.4 and FortiDDoS v6.6.3.

Section 1: FortiDDoS and FortiManager firmware compatibility.

As a General Rule, FortiManager must run a firmware release integrable with FortiDDoS. 



For more detail, see the 'Compatibility with FortiDDoS' document for FortiManager: FortiDDoS 


FortiManager v7.2.4:




Enable FortiAnalyzer Features on FortiManager (be advised this option of FortiAnalizer inside FortiManager will have some limited Features. **For Full Features/ custom reports will be required to integrate FortiDDoS with a  real Fortianalizer** ).


FMG FortiAnalyzer Features.png


FortiDDoS v6.6.3:




Validate Hardware supported by FortiManager if it is a VM instance: 


diagnose dvm supported-platforms list

diagnose dvm supported-platforms list FortiDDoS


versiones de FDD soportadas.png


Section 2: Verify FortiManager configuration on the FortiDDoS.


FMG conf on FDD.png


Go to FortiManager and authorize the FortiDDoS:


FMG Auth FDD.png


FMG Auth FDD 2.png


FMG Auth FDD 3.png


FMG Auth FDD 4.png


Section 3: Verify FortiDDoS and FortiManager connectivity.

Create a test NTP profile and delete them on FortiDDoS to generate logs to FortiManager.


Capture logs:


Run on the FortiManager CLI, FDD's IP


diag sniffer packet any ' port 514 and host' 3


Run on the FortiDDoS CLI:


diag sniffer packet any ' port 514 ' 3


Create an NTP profile test and delete it on the FortiDDoS.

 FDD test profile FMG.png


FortiManager will show the related logs from FortiDDoS:


Logs on FMG.png